The Fishermen
The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma is a captivating drama book published by Pushkin Press in 2015. This paperback book is written in English and has a total of 116 pages. The story is centered around the lives of four fishermen and their struggles in dealing with the aftermath of a fishing trip. The book has received positive reviews and is highly recommended for those who enjoy drama genres.
The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma is a captivating drama book published by Pushkin Press in 2015. This paperback book is written in English and has a total of 116 pages. The story is centered around the lives of four fishermen and their struggles in dealing with the aftermath of a fishing trip. The book has received positive reviews and is highly recommended for those who enjoy drama genres.
The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma is a captivating drama book published by Pushkin Press in 2015. This paperback book is written in English and has a total of 116 pages. The story is centered around the lives of four fishermen and their struggles in dealing with the aftermath of a fishing trip. The book has received positive reviews and is highly recommended for those who enjoy drama genres.